Brain Science and BioTech2020-11-09T15:33:00+00:00

Brain Science and BioTech

Space Technology to Shape Hospitals of the Future

For nearly two years, the world has watched as doctors, nurses, and other healthcare professionals work on the frontlines of a global pandemic. During this time, we’ve witnessed tremendous displays of strength, mental fortitude, and selflessness in the [...]

By |February 7th, 2022|

Progress in Brain-Computer Interfaces

Over the past decade, Brain-Computer Interfaces (BCI) has taken a major leap forward in the ways they can positively impact human existence. BCI translates brainwaves into machine-operable commands, allowing us to perform feats that look like sci-fi, such [...]

By |January 10th, 2022|

Does Running Keep Us Young?

Years ago, a popular word in the world of health was “telomere,” the protective area at the end of the chromosomes. When cells replicate, they lose some of this protective area until the telomeres become so worn down [...]

By |November 22nd, 2021|