

How AI’s Role will Change in 2023 and Beyond

Artificial Intelligence (AI) has grown from a fantasy of a futuristic world to the impressive reality of now. Though AI has the power to use data to change an environment with mind-blowing speed, there are also some caveats to the technology. Balancing the gains with the challenges is the key to having AI be a positive part of daily life rather than a threat to privacy and human connection. In 2023, the role of AI will depend on [...]

By |February 16th, 2023|Categories: AI, Blog|

CRISPR Technology’s Future Impact on Human Longevity

Chasing hope after years of treatment, two long-term cancer patients found the experimental gene editing process. Katie Pope Kopp and Victor Bartolome volunteered for trials testing how “genetic scissors” could fight the disease inside their DNA. Kopp and Bartolome were in remission as of December 2022, according to NPR, furthering optimism that a 10-year-old technology might expand human longevity. It’s called CRISPR, a memorable acronym for a complicated tool that has generated promise and uncertainty about its utility [...]

By |January 17th, 2023|Categories: Blog, Longevity|

The Future of Blockchain Technology

Everywhere you look, blockchain is grabbing headlines. From sudden cryptocurrency highs and lows to announcements of increasing federal oversight, it has made waves across economic sectors and become frequent dinner table talk. Nobel Prize laureates, former political leaders, and celebrities alike are weighing in.  Most recently, the collapse of the popular cryptocurrency exchange FTX in November 2022 has raised pressing questions for investors at every level. FTX’s founder, Sam Bankman-Fried, who may now face prison time for fraud, [...]

By |December 15th, 2022|Categories: Blockchain, Blog|

What Long-Lived Animals Tell Us About Human Longevity

At the bottom of the North Atlantic Ocean, burrowed in the deep murk without any hint of a brain, live quahogs could change Alzheimer's research. Some turtles, crocodiles, and salamanders demonstrate remarkably low aging rates that might help humans slow their aging processes. Meanwhile, gray wolves remind us that longevity is a gift to respect and use wisely. Even though humans are the longest-lived land mammal, we have plenty to learn about longevity from animals. Researchers in this [...]

By |November 17th, 2022|Categories: Blog, Longevity|

The Technology Behind Deep Sea Exploration

It's a common refrain: despite covering 71 percent of Earth, less than 20 percent of the ocean has been mapped or explored by humankind. Much of it hasn't even been seen! Thousands of feet deep and teeming with life, the ocean is overflowing with possibilities.   So although we have charted more of the Moon and Mars than our own seas, oceanographers are working hard to catch up. At their disposal are a myriad of tools, from robotics to [...]

By |October 20th, 2022|Categories: Blog, Brain Science and BioTech|

Meet Some Amazing People Who Control Computers With Their Minds

Is it possible to “throw emotion?” In other words, could you send a feeling to another person the same way you send a text or an email? That may be the next step toward unlocking human thought with the brain-computer interface. People worldwide are using brain-computer interfaces, or neural interfaces, to control devices with their minds. Those living with paralysis or neurodegenerative diseases such as ALS send emails, interact on social media, operate robotic limbs, and even play [...]

By |September 19th, 2022|Categories: Uncategorized|