Learning about Human Longevity from Rockfish
From plastic surgery to skincare regimens to diet changes, humans go to great lengths to delay the aging process. However, the key to longevity may lie in an unexpected place - the bottom of the ocean. Rockfish, which tend to reside behind rocks on ocean floors around the globe, have lifespans that sometimes span over 200 years, making them the longest-living animals on the planet. They achieved that impressive ranking over just eight million years, which is relatively [...]
CRISPR Technology’s Future Impact on Human Longevity
Chasing hope after years of treatment, two long-term cancer patients found the experimental gene editing process. Katie Pope Kopp and Victor Bartolome volunteered for trials testing how “genetic scissors” could fight the disease inside their DNA. Kopp and Bartolome were in remission as of December 2022, according to NPR, furthering optimism that a 10-year-old technology might expand human longevity. It’s called CRISPR, a memorable acronym for a complicated tool that has generated promise and uncertainty about its utility [...]
What Long-Lived Animals Tell Us About Human Longevity
At the bottom of the North Atlantic Ocean, burrowed in the deep murk without any hint of a brain, live quahogs could change Alzheimer's research. Some turtles, crocodiles, and salamanders demonstrate remarkably low aging rates that might help humans slow their aging processes. Meanwhile, gray wolves remind us that longevity is a gift to respect and use wisely. Even though humans are the longest-lived land mammal, we have plenty to learn about longevity from animals. Researchers in this [...]
Honey, Health, and Longevity
Most of us think of honey simply as a sweetener to stir into coffee or tea, but it turns out that this golden syrup produced by bees all over the world offers a wealth of health benefits. As a matter of fact, honey—which has been consumed by people for thousands of years—is full of flavonoids and polyphenols that act like antioxidants that can help heal wounds, fight infection, and actually extend your life. Ikaria, Greece, home to the [...]
Why Changing to a Plant-Based Diet Could Add 10 Years to Your Life
It’s a widely accepted and unsurprising truth that nutrition directly impacts health. Regardless of age, the things we eat significantly influence how we feel, function and even behave. In the ongoing quest for a longer, more healthful life, researchers have long sought out the best ingredients for longevity, specifically when it comes to nutrition. After decades of careful analysis, the consensus seems to be overwhelmingly leaning toward a plant-based structure. According to a recent study from the University [...]
Preparing for the Commonplace 100-Year Lifespan
Living to see 100 isn't as uncommon as it used to be. Statistics and ongoing medical progress suggest that most people in their twenties and thirties today are highly likely to hit that century-old milestone. It's estimated that there are over a half-million centenarians worldwide, many of whom still lead active, fulfilling lifestyles. While there's no supreme secret to turning 100, some general notions appear to make long-term survival more likely. Eating well, getting a required amount of sleep and [...]